… everything that has a beginning, will come to an end…
I started this blog initially to share on Learning Disorder, along the way, I’ve gotten side-tracked and turn it into a space where I just pen what was in my mind and heart… Along the way, I woke up and knew I needed to step out into the world. The days of quietly sitting in my cocoon has passed.
Like a budding flower, it will one day bloom… that’s nature and why fight nature?
I hope, some of the stuff I shared in this blog, has served to be useful. I know there’s a few that became a hit. To see it being browsed through by people from all over the world, made me happy and it actually boosted my pride and confidence. I thank all. Please also forgive if any of my unschooled thoughts have hurt any…
I have moved on, I now have another blog with my signature on it… a point of no return? Never look backwards… let go and move on. An advice I’d remind, over and over… Forgive, let go, move on.
“Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.”
ooppss… the train’s leavin..
Salam.. bye… so long…