Sunday, April 18, 2010


I was checking on this, I find these articles useful and decided to put it here for my easy reference. Just wanna thank the author of the blogs for the useful information. It is handy to have a Blood Glucose Monitor and check regularly.

Basically, the normal blood sugar reading should be as following (according to ADA- American Diabetes Association for adult):

  • Blood glucose before meal: 70 – 130 mg/dl
  • Blood glucose 2 hours after meal: <180 mg/dl.
  • A1C (shows how well you’ve been managing diabetes during last 3 months: <7.0%.

    These are the normal figures that you should get most of the times you perform a blood glucose test.

    Time of the Day Blood Sugar Level
    Early Morning (Before Breakfast) 80 - 120 mg/dl
    Before Other Meals 80 - 120 mg/dl
    Two Hours after a Meal 140 to 160 mg/dl
    Before Bed 100 to 140 mg/dl
    (Glucose level normal range)

    The Cause of High Blood Sugar Level and The Consequences

    High Blood Sugar Symptom ~
    What is high blood sugar and what are the effects of high blood sugar? High blood sugar is also known has hyperglycemia. High blood sugar means that there is an overabundance of glucose (sugar) in your blood stream. How does so much sugar get into your blood?

    Uncontrolled High Blood Sugar Level Leads to Amputation ~
    If diabetes is not gotten under control, it can result in foot or leg amputation. Oftentimes diabetes causes loss of sensory in certain parts of the body, usually the feet and legs. Because the diabetic has lost all feeling in their foot or leg, their limbs become damaged and have to be amputated. The only way to avoid amputation of limbs is to get prompt medical attention and then get your diet under control.

    The Cause of High Blood Sugar ~
    Persistent high blood sugar is indicative of diabetes mellitus, or simply diabetes. This form of diabetes is as the result of low insulin levels. The low insulin levels don’t allow the transport of glucose to cells, which causes high levels of sugar in the blood.

    High blood sugar is often due to poor diet. But there are other factors that contribute to high blood sugar such as certain medications (beta blockers), certain eating disorders such as bulimia. With bulimics, they binge on high sugar and highly processed foods. Also, alcoholics tend to have high blood sugar due to the fact that alcohol converts to sugar in the blood.

    Your Diet is the Cause of High Blood Sugar ~
    Most cases of high blood sugar is due to poor dietary habits. Diabetes is directly related to obesity. So what should a diabetic do to lower his or her blood sugar? The first thing is to overhaul your diet. Eliminate all highly processed and refined foods. Refined foods means foods that contain sugar, white flour, white rice, and white bread. Replace these foods with high fibrous foods like complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates include whole wheat bread, oatmeal (not the instant brand), lots of vegetables and fruit (although some fruit are too high in sugar and must be avoided. Check with your doctor.), beans, legumes, lean protein. By cutting out refined foods from your diet, not only will your blood sugar go back to normal levels, but you will lose plenty of weight. As a result of your new way of eating, your cholesterol will be lower and so will your blood pressure. Usually people with diabetes, also have other ailments such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. You’ll be killing 3 birds with one stone.

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