Monday, June 14, 2010

…. and I am not a terrorist.

It was Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol… amongst the top Bollywood actors/actresses on my favorite list. A movie called My Name is Khan.

What is it about? hmmm… I am not writing a preview, you can find so many in the net.

It is a recommended movie for all though. Different from the other Hindi movies where you see them changing clothes a few times in a song. Directed by Kahar Johar… a distinguished director. I enjoyed it even more because it was mostly in English, so I needn’t worry much about translations.

As I was telling a friend about the movie, I was asked, “Which was your favorite in the movie?”  favorite??

I love the part when Ammi pulled young Rizvan who suffers from Asperger Syndrome and started sketching on a piece of paper. She drew one stick man holding a stick about to hit a boy and another of a stick man holding out a lollipop to a boy. Then she asked “Tell me who is Muslim and who is Hindu?” and the answer was, “they look pretty much the same to me.” Ammi said there’s only two kinds of people ~ good people who does good things and bad people who does bad deeds, no matter what their beliefs, practice, culture. No other difference!DSC_1472


solat4 Another was during the journey when Rizvan was trying to do what his wife has asked of him. While waiting for a bus, the couple that he befriended reminded him that it was almost time for the bus to leave; instead Rizvan kept saying “Namaz time”. Asked, “Now? Here? You should pray depending upon the place and the people around”. In return Rizvan said “No No No No, prayer should never depend upon the place or the people” “Only on your belief”. He then did namaz right in the middle of the dessert.


stoningThere’s another! When Rizvan was in a mosque and overheard a group of extremist led by someone from a higher social class ~ a Dr. !!    … I love it when he jumped back in and started to throw pebbles at the Dr. in the act of stoning a devil and called him “Syaitan!”


Watch the movie! With open eyes and open heart… only bad people and good people… No other difference. Actually, it’s a love story in our day-to-day life.

Writing this, brought me to reading about “al-nafs al-ammarah” and I took the liberty of reading deeper and deeper into it’s meaning. I’ll list it down here for you to read (some of it! I end up reading from many sites).


Questions on Islam – Throwing pebbles at Satan, The meaning of Nafs by M. Afifi al-Akiti, Freedom from Sin by Shaykh Ahmad Hendricks, – Nafs by Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali, The Components of Human Nature (Nafs) by Editor’s Choice

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