Saturday, August 21, 2010

Two moons??

is it possible??? Where would the second ‘moon’ come from?
“NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again.
The next time it may come this close is in 2287.”


An email is circulating suggesting that - on August 27, 2010 - Mars will appear as large as a full moon in Earth's sky. I received one last week! Can that possibly be true?

No. It can’t. The email is a hoax. It has circulated every summer since 2003. Mars can never appear as large as a full moon as seen from Earth and Mars will not even be at its brightest in August of 2010. [extracted from EarthSky a clear voice for science] Mars is never going to outshine the Moon.

So … you should forget about Mars on August 27th, right?

Not so fast. While there won't be Two Moons on August 27th, there will be Two Eyes. At 3 o'clock in the morning on that date, Mars will rise in the eastern sky alongside the red giant star Aldebaran. The two red lights side-by-side will resemble two eerie, unblinking eyes. This is worth waking up for! [extracted from NASA science]

However… what year is that suppose to be? The Mars Hoax email has been circulating since 2003. On August 27th of that year, Mars really did come historically close to Earth. But the email's claim that Mars would rival the Moon was grossly exaggerated. Every August since 2003, the email has staged a revival; it is as wrong now as it was then. Have fun staying up though… (“,)

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