Thursday, October 7, 2010

Railway tracks…



I’ve gotten news from a dear friend living in India, that his father-in-law of less than four months had died of an accident. I was shocked! The reason of his sudden demise, to be derailed while crossing a railway track. Oh! He was careful, but his slipper gotten stuck and he went back for it, realizing moments later a train coming close and he suddenly froze ~ according to a witness. The train just derailed him and that was it. *Rest in peace, God bless his soul… and condolence to his family…*

This is not a matter to be taken lightly… NEVER! NEVER!! cross anywhere on a rail track. They have special crossings which is safe. Please…

I only wish that we adults remind each other and educate the young ones of the danger.

“Trains produce enormous amounts of wind turbulence. This slipstream is so powerful that it can drag you under the wheels of the train if you are standing next to the track or too close to the platform edge. Modern trains are deceptively silent – and extremely fast. A train travelling at 125 mph takes only 7 seconds to travel a quarter of a mile. It is never safe to take a short cut across the tracks. Where electricity is provided on the rail, there is a third rail running along the railway line. This third rail looks like a normal rail but it is actually a power line. The electricity is so strong that if you touch the rail or step on it, you will stick to it like glue and won’t be able to get off.” - Trackoff

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