Monday, July 5, 2010


absence 1 : the state of being absent
2 : the period of time that one is absent
3 : want, lack <an absence of detail>
4 : inattention to present surroundings or occurrences <absence of mind>

or put simply :  N O T   

not here nor there or anywhere to be seen or known or heard of.

There is a proverb that says:  absence makes the heart grow fonder ~ Which means when someone or something is faraway, you realise how much you love (or miss) them or it.

BUT absence too helps one forgets and they say… heal in time.

We believe people can change, that there is healing for emotional distress and people can truly overcome their situation which will lead to a transformation in life. Just a matter of accepting, letting go and moving on.


Absence ~ Thomas Campbell . 1777-1844

'Tis not the loss of love's assurance,
It is not doubting what thou art,
But 'tis the too, too long endurance of absence, that afflicts my heart.
The fondest thoughts two hearts can cherish,
When each is lonely doom'd to weep,
Are fruits on desert isles that perish, or riches buried in the deep.
What though, untouch'd by jealous madness,
Our bosom's peace may fall to wreck;
Th' undoubting heart, that breaks with sadness,
Is but more slowly doom'd to break.
Absence! is not the soul torn by it from more than light, or life, or breath?
'Tis Lethe's gloom, but not its quiet,
The pain without the peace of death.


“We are not living in perilous times. We are not being asked to heal the world, just ourselves of the internal pain and conflict that seems to be endless. How can peace come to the world if we cannot even find peace within our own mind? If we are not responsible for ourselves, then who is? If I blame another or blame circumstances that seem to be beyond my control, then I am a victim, and someone else controls my life. This is not the role God would have us play. Look for the solution in any circumstance that seems to be beyond your control. For every problem there is a solution. It is in our own mind. By learning to access and using another level of mind, we can heal not only ourselves, but also the world because accessing this part of our mind joins us with something Greater than ourselves. It all begins by learning to become master of your own mind.” ~ Holistic learning.

Accept, Let Go, Move On

in all ways, always;


key heart in cage

is in your hands…


I don’t have a point to prove, or a stand to make.
I'm just trying to find my way and a face to wear, and a place to be
In the absence of your company…

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