Thursday, May 13, 2010

Falling ‘n’ falling



An acquaintance sent me a message, late in the night… ‘Salam’ she says, ‘I am so depressed… please tell me something to keep me alive… but not traditional.’

If I am near, I’d probably drive over and hold her hands. We are in different continents… I have no words. I know depression, it’s like falling and falling and falling into a deep dark hole. Not knowing when you’ll land, if you’re going to fall flat on your face, or with a big thud on your back. If you’re going to be in one piece or if you’re going to end up with broken bones… and along the way, I end up being claustrophobic! It’s a state of anxiety, sadness, helplessness and hopelessness.

It need to be treated, immediate… cause one may never know how long they can suffer from it. A mild depression can turn into a major disorder if not addressed to, fast. It may not be obvious at the early stage because one tend to just blend into their normal life, it’s when it becomes severe and uncontrollable that it surface. For those who understands, they’d be able to help… for those who are oblivious to it… or refuse to acknowledge… truly sad.

Help people with depression… 


For those who suffers from it and knows. That is already a door, a way out… work on it. It is not an easy journey, but fight it… Tags:
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